Author - optionsai

The Latest Trading from Options AI

Options AI has released the latest version of its options trading platform. There are a couple of notable enhancements that aim to make trading and trade management more...

Exiting a trade

The dynamics of an options trade change constantly between the time of entry and as it moves towards expiration. A trader can continually compare metrics that guided the...

Probability of Profit

The probability of profit (POP) is the likelihood assigned by the options market of the stock closing at the breakeven point of a trade. Beyond or inside that breakeven...


Unlike an equity position where profit or loss is from the entry point, options positions have breakevens above or below the current stock price. Options can increase or...

Option Liquidity and Working Orders

Trade execution in options is just like an equity, with a Bid and Ask. But in options, the Bid/Ask can sometimes be wider and less liquid than an equity. Those factors...


Option hedging strategies are used by investors to reduce their exposure to risk, protecting against a decline in anything from an individual stock to an entire...

Credit Spreads

A vertical credit spread is an option strategy that consists of the sale of one option and the purchase of a second option with a different strike price in the same...

Debit Spreads

A vertical debit spread is an option strategy that involves buying one strike (call or put) while simultaneously selling another strike (in the same...

Assignment and Exercise

Regular assignment/exercise – The settlement price of an option is the official closing price at the end of the day on its expiry. The closing price of the stock...

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