Stocks are higher to end the week and have broken through that 5100 level in SPX. QQQ’s are leading the charge, up 1.6% as of now. Look at this chart to get a sense of that relentless march higher to start March:

We’ll cover what these breakouts may mean overall and particularly on option premium and volatility. Will we see market-up, vol-up situations, or is this just the next leg up in the staircase we’ve seen in the indices over the past few months?
Finally, as you’ve noticed we’ve been covering 0DTE SPX alot here on The Orbit. The space is quite popular with traders and there are various ways that those traders are approaching short-duration trading. Here at The Orbit we particularly focus on income from options, credit spreads, risk management etc. But each trader is different.
Free Webinars
I’m pleased to announce that a friend of The Orbit, Brandon Wendell, is hosting free webinars next week, where he’ll detail one such strategy. What’s particularly interesting about Brandon is he focuses on the last 2 hours of the trading day, using intra-day buyer and seller supply to help with strike selection and determining risk/reward. I’m on Brandon’s text alerts and there are some days he determines the risk/reward isn’t there to even enter a trade. It’s really helpful stuff and I think it’s worth checking out if you are looking to learn from some traders in this space. Below are the sign-up links, and a little more about Brandon and WealthBuilders HQ:
Dates and Times:
March 5th, @ 12pm EST
March 7th, @ 8pm EST
March 11th @ 12pm EST
Meet Brandon Wendell
Wealth Builders HQ coach Brandon Wendell will be teaching a free one-hour class on trading the SPX. He will reveal an amazing “Zero Days to Expiration” Strategy that you’ve likely never seen before.
Brandon has an extensive track record as a trader and a coach. He has been trading the market for more than 25 years. He has experience operating a trading room, as well as running a corporate hedge fund. He also holds a Certified Market Technician’s certificate – one of about 4,000 in the world.
URL: https://wealthbuildershq.com/spx-cashflow-secrets
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Based upon publicly available information derived from option prices at the time of publishing. Intended for informational and educational purposes only and is not any form of recommendation of a particular security, strategy or to open a brokerage account. Options price data and past performance data should not be construed as being indicative of future results and do not guarantee future results or returns. Options involve risk, including exposing investors to potentially significant losses and are therefore not suitable for all investors. Option spreads involve additional risks that should be fully understood prior to investing. Securities trading is offered through Options AI Financial, LLC, member FINRA and SIPC