Video Summary (3 minutes) In the prior video we went over the similarities between an Iron Condor and an Iron butterfly. Both trades combine a credit...
Category - Options University
Video Summary (2 minutes) We’ve seen how a Credit Call Spread is a trade that sees gains if the stock stays below a certain level. And we’ve seen how...
Video Summary (2 minutes) Many investors use the Credit Put Spread as an income-generating strategy, selling a put spread at a level they believe a...
Video Summary (3 minutes) When we sell options and receive a credit it is often referred to as an income-generating trade. The potential income comes...
Video Summary (2 minutes) Options AI will focus on 6 spread trades in the following videos. Common spread strategies for everyday investors that can...
Video Summary (3 minutes) It’s difficult to succeed in options if the investor is only buying options. And it would be nerve-wracking to most...
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